♥Thursday, March 02, 2006♥
Remember my buddy ,Wendy?Finally able to meet up with her for supper.Nothing much had changed for her.Except that,She was still so much in Love with her boyfriend.Both of them enjoying their romance...I feel so happy for them.Wendy's birthday is reaching soon.It's the 5th of March,celebrating with her beloved,I guess.By next monday,she should be going on a 4days holiday to Bangkok.*So envy.*These were everything she would had wanted.And as her buddy,I really felt she deserved all these.Neverless,she had putted in so much efforts in the relationship.And finally things managed to work out.Looking at my friends being so happy,makes me felt a little more comforting,as happiness doesn't seems to belongs to me,but at least...it still exist. :)"All the best to you ,Buddy...And an early Happy Birthday!"Signing off,blessing you with love,Kojikwek
ends at 4:30 AM
with love ♥