♥Tuesday, November 22, 2005♥
Had a nightmare !!!I dreamt I was driving without a licence...I haven't been driving for so long since I failed my last 'tp'.(Driving test.)In my dream,I am losting control of the car! My friends who were in the car were screaming for help!Did i mention i am screaming too?I woke up in cold sweat...I don't think I could ever trust my own driving skills...not to say my friends...*Laughing******Peter came over to my shop today,He was sick."Do get well soon."The weather very cold these few days,do wear more thick clothes ...Cover yourself with thick blankets....*****Benson is back in town.Welcome back to Singapore!Shall meet up soon for Coffee soon...Thanks for being a good listener.Always there for me.A good pal that I will always keep in my list...Never regret knowing you.*****My buddy ,Wendy would be busy again.She had got back with her beloved.Giving her all my blessings...I will always be behind you, giving my support.Love ya...
ends at 1:30 AM
with love ♥