♥Tuesday, November 29, 2005♥
Put me on the dance floor!Somebody please...I swear, I shall dance till my both feets aches.I missed dancing...I missed clubbing.*Sob*I can't now.Vain ms me,put on weight.I had to loose my fats,before I could put on my clubbing clothes!And besides...I had some problems to deal with.Hopefully,Everything should be settled by thursday.Once my problem is solved ,I will go on a STRICT diet.Felt like changing a whole new look...Thought of perming my hair ,adding a little waves to it.Looking at the mirror now...*Nothing special...Rather boring*So it's time...A little Christmas present to myself....A little pamering...A little changes,and a brand new look.**Wa La....***Imagine*Anyway,wish me luck.I gotten pull myself up after these shits.(Even if I said that alot of times...And I haven't done them.)Come...On..give me a chance...I really thought it through.I am young...and I want to make what I could with my life,The best out of it.Signing off,Be hopeful...Kojikwek.
ends at 9:45 PM
with love ♥
♥Monday, November 28, 2005♥
"A Woman might be capable of faking an orgasm-
But Men can Fake an Entire relationship."
ends at 2:23 PM
with love ♥
As I read on...More and more blogs were deleted...Closed ...Closed...Closed...The list goes on.Interesting blogs that I used to read were all gone!*Sniff**Sniff*Since when?Writing a journal /diary had been a sin?How we bloggers felt...Writing what we had gone through,expressing ourselves with written words.Without the fear of facing someone face to face.I felt I could express everything out much better this way.Why would anyone wants to do them harm?Just because of the ways /disagreeds with what the other bloggers had wrote?Ain't we a democratic country?Ain't we free from our thougths and speeches?And because of those 'nothing better' to do people,Those blogs that I used to read or admired, I no longer could ...I misses them all."Mind your own fucking business!!!""If you had so much things to say, you could start your own blog...'Complaining Blog.'"What the heck?But still...one thing remains the same.Our hearts.*A salute to the bloggers that were affected...To my fellows bloggers...A big thanks you,for all the sweet times, You all had brought to me.I love you all....*
ends at 3:05 AM
with love ♥
♥Saturday, November 26, 2005♥

ends at 2:54 AM
with love ♥
♥Friday, November 25, 2005♥
Met up with Benson for supper,then to Shee-sha.We chatted...He did mention though that more Singaporean Guys are looking for other countries women.Other country women would be satisfy just for starting a very normal family.Asking nothing much more then that.While Singaporean women would always demand alot more.More C's we are looking more.We just ain't happy ...and not easy to satisfy.Our expection are high and some of the guys just couldn't keep up the pace."Boys would be Men.Girls...are still girls...""It is not that guys don't want to settle down.But Girls aren't willing to settle for so little and early."Most of the guys around the age of 23-27 would not really feel like settling down.They just want to have fun...work to make money.Enjoy the money that they made.(Don't forget,Woo..girls need money also!)Most of them by the age 28 would have a more or less stable career.By then,they would be able to 'look after' a woman.And the capability of starting a family.(Buying a house...have kids and stuffs.)In turn,more women are willing to settle down with these types of guys."Although to me,there noting wrong in trying to ensure oneself that it's the 'right one' ,a marrige is for life, remember?I would rather blame it on the environment...We grow with the surrounding that we live in.The standard of our living is high...and to survive we had no choice but to follow...This is life..."What do you think?
ends at 4:04 AM
with love ♥
♥Thursday, November 24, 2005♥
It's Derrick's birthday!!!"Happy Birthday to you."So many people's birthdays coming up...Christmas is nearing also.No plans this year...as I aged with time,things can get pretty boring.Most of my friends were either attached or married.Seems hard to find a 'single' friend.*Laugh*I am troubled with some stuffs.I had to make decision with.Feeling quite lost.(Should be common,Cause I am always lost.)Didn't felt like talking...Didn't felt like going out.Just wanna be left alone.Signing off,Queen of the 'lost',Koji Kwek.
ends at 11:58 PM
with love ♥
♥Tuesday, November 22, 2005♥
Had a nightmare !!!I dreamt I was driving without a licence...I haven't been driving for so long since I failed my last 'tp'.(Driving test.)In my dream,I am losting control of the car! My friends who were in the car were screaming for help!Did i mention i am screaming too?I woke up in cold sweat...I don't think I could ever trust my own driving skills...not to say my friends...*Laughing******Peter came over to my shop today,He was sick."Do get well soon."The weather very cold these few days,do wear more thick clothes ...Cover yourself with thick blankets....*****Benson is back in town.Welcome back to Singapore!Shall meet up soon for Coffee soon...Thanks for being a good listener.Always there for me.A good pal that I will always keep in my list...Never regret knowing you.*****My buddy ,Wendy would be busy again.She had got back with her beloved.Giving her all my blessings...I will always be behind you, giving my support.Love ya...
ends at 1:30 AM
with love ♥
♥Saturday, November 19, 2005♥
Congratulation to one of my friend, Jo Jo who got married today!All the best wishes and blessings for the newly weds.I didn't manage to go to her wedding dinner, as my infection still hurts.and...I was afraid I would bump into 'him',as Jo Jo's husband was one of his friends.I am so useless.I suddenly felt so lost...There's a little part of me,hoping to catch glimpses of him,(without him knowing.)The other half ,kept telling me,I am throwing myself into the fire,if i ever did that.I had to pull myself together.I couldn't...I am so tired.I need a shoulder to lie on.I felt like crying,Yet I am trying to be strong.Using my mind instead of my heart.Hoping it would be over soon...
ends at 9:51 PM
with love ♥
♥Thursday, November 17, 2005♥
Chelz (my bestfriend) accompanied me to the Dentist today.I am still FRIGHTEN!The thought of pulling out my teeth freaks me out.The dentist,that I often visited was fulled with appointments,I had to go visited another Dentist that ,my mom recomanded.The dentist sucks!!!He practically just wants to rush through the whole process.With the couldn't be bothered attitude.He did told me that I am having gums infection at the bottom part of my teeth,because of my wisdom tooth.He advised me to get it extracted.But it can't be done immediately.I have to wait till the infection cured ,which is about a week later then come back for the extraction."Then what about the teeth that you proclaimed there's a hole?" I asked as he also told me that my upper back teeth had a hole."Get it extracted also ,can do it some other days."He just wanted me to get off the seat.I waited nearly an hour for him.And a five mins session will not do any good."You mean it can't be filled?""Ooh...you want it filled?"Did he thought that I had too many tooth to deal with?I demanded for him to fill up the hole today.*Piss off*After I'm done.I was about to make payment when I was told I had medicine to take , for my gums infection.He just passed me my medicine,briefly explained to me, the amount of tablets to be taken.When I caught sight of a medicine,I was allergic to.It was then I realised, he forgotten to ask if I had drug allergy.Although he is a dentist,he should have the precautions when he prescripted medicine.Out of four medicine,I am allergy to 2 of them.Thanks god!!!I wouldn't want to be lying in a hospital bed because of a gum infection.I do worried about extracting my wisdom tooth .It must be very painful...*Frighten + Afraid +Scare.*I decided to visit my own dentist after the infection.Then decide what best to be done...
ends at 11:45 PM
with love ♥
I tasted blood in my mouth .
Blood kept flowing...
I had to put cotton wools in my mouth to absorb the blood and stop the bleeding.
I couldn't really tell where the bleeding come from as it was from the back of my teeth.
I haven't eaten the whole day...
And both the sides of my back tooth hurts.
Had no choice but to visit the dentist tomorrow.
Feeling a little afraid though.
I was afraid of a decay teeth.
The thought of the dentist pulling out my teeth.
Fears me.
The pain and the thought of me being...'Bo gay.'
Okie...I am thinking too much.
But I'm still scared.
Siging off,
Worried me...
Koji kwek.
ends at 3:24 AM
with love ♥
♥Wednesday, November 16, 2005♥
Went Shee-sha with Wendy, Peter, Sky,Wendy's younger sis...and one her colleagues.Didn't get to meet up with Sky for so long,ever since he had a girlfriend.It was a short while, and he left.Had to report strength!Shee-sha was great.Although I'm a little unhappy with the service staffs.It's the first time,that Peter met Wendy.I had known both for so many years.Yet never really introduces them.Peter was the decent sort of guy,yet very chattable.We talked about almost everything under the sun.It was around 3 am when We left the place.I'm so tired now.With eyes half opened,Goodnight...
ends at 5:03 AM
with love ♥
♥Tuesday, November 15, 2005♥
Upon reaching M Hotel...
Took out my mobile,dial for no-other then my buddy...Wendy.
"Hello? Buddy? Which floor are you at?"
"I'm at 38th floor...The bar..."
"Okie...wait for me ,I be coming up now."
As soon as I end the conversations with her,I reached for the lift.
The buttons on the lift with the highest floor was only up to 29.
I walked out of the lift,wondering where to find another lift to take me up to floor 38.
I took no second thought and approached a staff there.
"Excuse me,could you kindly tell me where do I take the lift up to the 38th floor?"
*Giving me a blurr look.*
"Mdm,you were saying 38th floor?"
I Nodded ...
"But Mdm,The lift is only up till 29th ."
"I know...Thats why I am asking if you could direct me to another lift where I could take to the 38th floor ,where the bar is located."
"The bar is located on the 9th floor.There isn't any 38th floor.This building was builted only up to the 29th floor. There's more floors after that.It's the roof already."
My eyes roamed looking at his name tag...As I wondered if he was new?
But with no luck...
"My friend had arrived and are waiting for me on the 38th floor already."
I quickly gave a call to Wendy.
"Buddy?Are you at floor 38th?Or 28th?"
"I am at floor 38th."
"You sure?And you are at M hotel?"
"Yes...It's M hotel."
The staff interrupted.
"Mdm,could I speak to your friend?"
*Passing the Phone to him*
"Hi,you are at which floor again?"
"At 38th floor."
"Which hotel are you at ?"
"M hotel.I am at the bar,'The top of the M.'"
"Where's the hotel located ?"
"Next to taka..."
*Giving me back the phone*
"Your friend is at other hotel.Meritus Mandarin Hotel."
M hotel was located at Raffles place.
And Mandarin hotel at Orchard.
Wendy started asking her friend to comfirm on the hotel name.
"I'm at Mandarin hotel in the bar call 'Top of the M.'"
My face blushed.
*I felt like digging a hole and put my whole head in it.*
"Errmm...So sorry to trouble you."
"It's ok."
I quickly dashed to the door...looking only straight ahead.
I called Aaron,as he was on his way to the Hotel ,( I was suppose to meet him there.)
As I waited ,I could swear...not one but two staffs standing there ,looking through the glass doors,looking at me!!!
I was embarrassed.
Aaron came shorty after.
"Wa heng ah...I not there yet."
Aaron making fun of me.
The taxi driver who heard what I told Aaron...
Mocks at me.
Upon reaching,
Wendy apologized.
She didn't know that there's a M hotel .
As M -(short term.)Mandarin .
Moreover the bar was called 'Top of the M.'
What can I say?
It's all a misunderstanding...
Siging off,
The imaginary 38th floor,
Koji kwek.
ends at 4:48 AM
with love ♥
♥Monday, November 14, 2005♥
I just checked out ,from a chalet...Which my dad had organized for our family 'get together',At Changi Beach Club, for 4 enjoyable days .The chalet was actually just like a big hotel room with a queen size bed and two single size beds.(There's four members in my family.)I wasn't allowed to bring My dog ,Brandy...'NO PETS ALLOWED',was one of the club rules.*Poor Brandy*I missed him the very first night.There's Swimming pool, The JackPot room ,(which was my younger brother's favorite.)The Health club,(The Gym,Tennis,Billard,Bowling...etc...)The game room, A Cafe, An internet room, The KTV room,The list go on and on...Making sure that you won't get bored.It had been a while since get get myself into these 'healthy activities.'I not trying to say my daily life is 'unhealthy',Most of the days I would be working.Only at nights,That I would be able to gather with my friends.Setting a very good example,Clubbing...Or I would be at home face to face with my beloved computer.It's just felt different,you know...Getting out there in the sun.Exercising...and just having some 'clean' fun.(If you know what i mean.)I didn't get the chance to try all the items though.I was so tired after my swim,I slept the second day away.Oops...did I mention that the bed was very...comfortable? :pI didn't manage to get any pictures.Kept forgetting to bring my camera out with me.We didn't felt like checking out this morning...Each of us really had a great time!"Thanks dad...for these wonderful days.You had made it happened."
ends at 12:24 PM
with love ♥
♥Friday, November 11, 2005♥
"If you had ever loved Yu xue, stop asking or bring her name up again.She had passed away.You weren't the only one getting upset.What position I stand...you jolly well know,my saddness was ten times of yours.The time I spent with her,you were not even in the picture.Who are you to judge ?How would you had cared?So many blood tests that been done...None of it was yours.You weren't there...and I had to understand.And she wasn't here...could you understand?How could you ...now ask me ,Why?What i had gone through,could you feel my pain?She was in my heart,my soul...my body...my mind...My hope...Stop bringing her name out of the deads.Respect her as one...for once.And she would pass peacefully ...In god's arm...In a place call heaven.I would hoped the best for her,wouldn't you be to?"
ends at 2:24 PM
with love ♥
♥Thursday, November 10, 2005♥
It felt so nice to have Carine...Belle....Wendy...being together with them,Brought back alot of memories,We used to be very closed together,meeting up almost everyday to club.In a pub...used to call 'The bomb.'As time goes by...We grew with time.Each of us, started who have our own stuffs to get busy on.It's really nice meeting up once in a while...recalling back old times.This time.We went to MoMo...We were having fun...doing a little 'chicken' dance.(We used to do it at 'Bomb'.)Now to think of it,We didn't call that 'chicken dance' for nothing.*Laughing*A great nightout...with a great group of close friends...
ends at 3:22 AM
with love ♥
♥Monday, November 07, 2005♥
I was damn late when when I met up with Wendy.I promised her to bring her to get her fortune told.(Shuan ming)As I had been there before.Name of fortune teller:Rei Ka SohShe had been there so long liao.Business getting better and better,She only agreeds to see upon appointment.I had to talked to her,to squeeze a space for Wendy.(Don't forget...I was the one who was late.And made her waited for me.If she didn't get her fortune told today...Trust me.She will skin me alive!)"You had changed alot.I could see you changed for the better.You wasn't as hot-headed as before.Now temper much much better.Know how to smile liao."Havent seen Rei Sa Koh for around a year liao.Surprised that she actually still remember me."Naughty girl "She called me.Let you into a little secret of mine.The first time I went to see her,(That was so many years ago...)She gave me 8 sets of 4D numbers.Then she told me,"You buy 'small' cannot buy 'big'."Me...Inturn did what she said.I bought only the 8 sets of number and bought 'small' only.(For 4D 'small' only vaild for the top 3 sets of numbers.While 'big' is for all the sets of numbers.Including the top 3 ,starter and consolation.)To my surprise !!!6 sets of number came out!Exactly the same as what she gave me!*Sadly*I didn't won any money...The 6 sets were all in starter and consolation!'I bought only 'small' remember?'I went back a month later.Complaining to her ..."HuH? Oh my god!!! I meant... I ask you to buy 'small small' don't buy too 'big'.!!!!"*Falling down the chair*'How was I suppose to know?'Blurr queen me...Ok back to today,after the fortune telling session,We went Shopping!*Hee...Hee...*I was so happy when I finally found a dress which suits me,yet able to cover all my tattoos.No need to say la.Must buy...Went to C.A.N. cafe to chill .Aaron came over and joined us.But we left early as Wendy had made plans with her friends.And me...Blog lor...
ends at 11:25 PM
with love ♥
♥Friday, November 04, 2005♥
I was so close to tears ,when I read 'his' letter to me.Yes,He had came out a few days ago.He made drawings of how we were in the past.How he spent his time in there.How he thought I treated him.He was pretty much in depression.His father who was the closest to him had passed away.No one had visited him since the day he was in there.And the only time he had the chance to come out,was to go to his dad's funeral.*Tears*Somehow I felt his pain.But there was nothing I could do.I wanted so much to write to him.telling him to hold on strong...telling him not to let his dad down ."If you had ever love your dad.Please turn over a new leaf.No one could help you,unless you want to.Your dad would had hoped for you to led a much better life."I knew there won't be any ending if I kept writing...and he kept answering.To the Past,there's too much to say and too much to explain.So much things had happened that it was too much for the relationship to bare.And I guess it's faithed to the day I met him.To what it became today.I couldn't hate him.Why we were an item before and till today,why we parted.Baring only one reason.'we were too in love with each other.'Too much stress...Too much pain...Too much pressure....Unknowingly....We did it all in a wrong way.Draining the relationship.Till today.We couldn't forget what had happened.And there's no turning back in time.I had changed so much after the relationship ,I had with him.He was after all the guy I loved the most.Being together would only cause more misery .I wasn't in for that.Loving a person =letting the person to be happy.I am contented that we once had each other .I really do hope for him to be able to walk through all these bad moments soon...
ends at 11:39 PM
with love ♥
♥Tuesday, November 01, 2005♥
I was still asleep,when I recieve a call from Wendy ,telling me that she and Shi Hua had found the perfect place,where we could borrow our Halloween costumes!So much people ...So little time.I just took those that I liked ,rushed to the fitting room...And very soon,we were out of there.These were what we wore for Halloween at Zouk;' A Princess (me) ...A witch (Shi Hua) and A Devil (Wendy)...'
(Click to view the pictures.)Trust me,we weren't the most dressed up ones...We did anyway have our fair bits of laugh and giggles...
Below were the pics that we manage to take;

Really enjoyed the night out.I really can't bare to take off the outfit ,How many times in my lifetime,will I finally get to wear a princess outfit?*Wishful thoughts*You all can count on next year Halloween...I'll be there again!
(Don't worry...I won't dress as a princess again.)*Giggles.*
ends at 1:25 AM
with love ♥